Sunday, November 15, 2009


Everyone always asks, 'Just what is the ASVAB Test anyway?' It is actually a career exploration tool. The acronym ASVAB actually stands for: Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. Unlike an achievement test which measures skills that you have worked on and developed, an aptitude test attempts to measure your capacity for learning. It can help someone predict certain areas she or he may do well in as a career.

The ASVAB Test has four major areas of concentration: Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension and Mathematics Knowledge. In addition it contains test questions covering General Science, Electronic Information, Mechanical Comprehension and Auto & Shop Information. The scores help determine strengths and weaknesses, that can direct someone into a particular career field.

There is an additional interest inventory to complete once the scores are received. The inventory helps a person determine a career area of interest such as Artistic, Realistic, Investigative, Social, Enterprising,or Conventional. That result will direct a person towards a particular career cluster - under which are listed numerous jobs which a person might choose.

The ASVAB is a very useful tool for students who simply have no idea what they want to be when they grow up.

At Fairfield test results will be distributed tomorrow. There will be a meeting in the auditorium during homeroom to go over test scores and explain how to complete the interest inventory. Students can access OCCU-Find to learn more information about particular careers.

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